Солист Большого театра Василий Соколов вышел на связь после скандала с отравлением. Видеообращение артиста опубликовал Telegram-канал Mash.
The main conceptual idea of the text is to clarify and refute conflicting reports about the hospitalization of Bolshoi Theatre soloist Vasily Sokolov.
Initial reports: alleged a chemical burn caused by poisoned bottled water in a café, leading to hospitalization in a serious condition.
Sokolov's statement: denies the poisoning claims, stating he was rehearsing and performing, and suffered no injuries from bottles or any fight. He dismisses the rumours as unfounded.
Alleged ulterior motive: a Telegram channel suggests Sokolov fabricated the poisoning story to avoid consequences for potential stage disruptions.
The text presents a conflicting narrative, raising questions about the truth behind Sokolov's hospitalization and the possible motivations behind the different accounts.
The main conceptual idea of the text is to clarify and refute conflicting reports about the hospitalization of Bolshoi Theatre soloist Vasily Sokolov. Initial reports: alleged a chemical burn caused by poisoned bottled water in a café, leading to hospitalization in a serious condition. Sokolov's statement: denies the poisoning claims, stating he was rehearsing and performing, and suffered no injuries from bottles or any fight. He dismisses the rumours as unfounded. Alleged ulterior motive: a Telegram channel suggests Sokolov fabricated the poisoning story to avoid consequences for potential stage disruptions. The text presents a conflicting narrative, raising questions about the truth behind Sokolov's hospitalization and the possible motivations behind the different accounts.